November 25, 2021

Meet Minc - Johan Skärskog

Meet Minc - Johan Skärskog

Meet Johan Skärskog, business coach at Startup Labs! Johan himself grew up in an entrepreneurial family and has been running his own businesses for as long as he can remember. His areas of knowledge and interest are entrepreneurship in general, growth and B2B software. Besides being a businessman, he's also a sportsman who competed and won in Swedish cups such as windsurfing, multisports, triathlon and SUP. Having a lot of experience in the world of himself, he now offers coaching to startups here at Minc.

Tell us a bit about yourself - Who are you? And what do you do here at Minc?

I'm an ex-entrepreneur that used to be in B2B software. I currently work part time as a coach at Startup Labs.

Why do you enjoy working with startups?

I enjoy working with startups because I like the creative process and challenges of building a business.

What’s the best thing about coaching?

The best thing about coaching is to meet inspiring entrepreneurs and to be able to help people. I help companies success by giving straightforward and honest no bullshit feedback! :)

Name three qualities that you believe are important for an entrepreneur to possess!

It's important to believe in yourself and your idea, to have a high energy level, never give up and to be a good sales person.

What’s the best thing about Minc?

The best thing about Minc is that we increase the chances of success for entrepreneurs by coaching, among other services.

Are you driven, self motivated, curious and want to build something bigger than yourself? At Startup Labs you are in the driving seat, making your way forward!

Read more about Startup Labs and on how to apply here!

About Minc

At Minc, we believe in creating something bigger than yourself. We offer everything an entrepreneur needs to go from concept to market in-house. Our international network of advisors and award-winning programs will help your startup scale faster and smarter. Welcome to the startup house of Malmö.

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