November 5, 2021

To leave Sweden’s most exciting job

To leave Sweden’s most exciting job

It is time to leave Minc after more than six years of employment and even longer cooperation. It is with mixed feelings that I'm now leaving one of the most rewarding job positions that I can imagine. You get the opportunity to work with a great team, amazing entrepreneurs, and innovative startups together with all the good forces in our ecosystem. And you do it for the common good - for the benefit of entrepreneurs in Malmö and Skåne.

It is always hard to reflect when you are in the middle of everything and you typically find things moving too slow. But still, looking back I see that Minc has taken a number of important steps to better support our entrepreneurs. There is always a willingness to develop and test new things – all with the purpose of better helping startups to succeed.

What I am most proud of is Minc’s role in building the financial ecosystem for pre-seed and seed investments. The Fast Track Capital structure have done and will do a huge difference to support promising startups, but also to build an ecosystem where we can welcome new investors. To reach more diverse startups where more female founders get funding and more female investors enter the scene has been a focus since I started working at Minc. I am therefore really happy for the development – 40 % of the investors in Fast Track Capital III are women, and our annual event Nordic Female Investors Meetup held for the 6th time on October 27 was a real and virtual success. I could not wish for a better last week as CEO of Minc.

Finally – I strongly believe in cooperation, and seeing the Skåne ecosystem being more open to joining forces for the best support to our entrepreneurs. Minc has walked the talk with a number of common projects where we all put the entrepreneurs in focus.

My new life will be a life where I can plan my own time. Post-Minc, I will work with my own investments and projects in our family business. I will still be an active part in our ecosystem and in the movement – getting more women to become growth entrepreneurs and investors.

As Minc is Minc there are always new projects to develop and more startups to support. I am therefore really happy to welcome our new CEO Daniel Persson onboard to continue the journey to new bold visions. Daniel is known to be a good leader and has a strong and very relevant background as a handball player, management consultant, and innovation manager at Min Doktor. Daniel has been an important part of the journey building Min Doktor from 4 to 400 employees. That is a very relevant experience and network to take on building Minc for the years to come.

All the best to you Daniel and to the Minc team! Looking forward to following Minc's development from the outside.


/Jeanette Andersson, former CEO at Minc

About Minc

At Minc, we believe in creating something bigger than yourself. We offer everything an entrepreneur needs to go from concept to market in-house. Our international network of advisors and award-winning programs will help your startup scale faster and smarter. Welcome to the startup house of Malmö.

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